Database of Water Governance Instruments

The Diagnostic Water Tool contains a list of currently 66 instruments to enhance water . Governance experts of the STEER project have carefully selected and evaluated these instruments. Below you can find a factsheet for each instrument that provides key information and gives examples for its successful application in practice. When you have entered information about your case study, you will find tailor-made recommendations for instruments to improve in the therapy section of this tool.


Fact sheet #1: Benchmarks
Fact sheet #2: Blue Services
Fact sheet #3: Concession Unit
Fact sheet #12: National Water Council
Fact sheet #17: Reporting requirements
Fact sheet #19: River basin organisation
Fact sheet #20: Scientific Committee
Fact sheet #23: Citizen boards
Fact sheet #24: Water agency
Fact sheet #26: Inter-agency programmes
Fact sheet #32: Contractual arrangements
Fact sheet #36: Citizen engagement
Fact sheet #39: Targets
Fact sheet #52: National Water Programme
Fact sheet #53: Water Pollution Law
Fact sheet #54: Inspection Law
Fact sheet #58: Operation Boards
Fact sheet #63: National Water Act
Fact sheet #66: Water use licenses

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